Please thoroughly review all the rules and terms prior to your submission.

    Adhering to these conditions is crucial for selection among the five finalists.

    1) All works must:
    - Be the original creation of the applicant and not previously awarded or shown in any competition.

    2) For works originating from a collective, group, or association, the applicant must provide a statement of consent from all members of involved parties authorizing the submission.

    3) Works depicting any form of counterfeiting or plagiarism will result in immediate disqualification and exclusion from THE VH AWARD. The applicant will bear full responsibility for any violations of this policy, with no right to objection.

    4) No modifications are allowed post-submission.

    5) The selected five finalists are required to provide:
    - A contact number
    - A Photocopy of valid identification (i.e. passport) for fund disbursement and Eyebeam online residency registration purposes.

    6) Submission via will remain confidential, accessible only to the Organizing Committee, and jury members.

    7) Applicants consent to the publication of their work by THE VH AWARD, its Organizing Committee, or designated entities, should their submissions be chosen.

    8) THE VH AWARD and THE VH AWARD Organizing Committee reserve the right to modify these rules at any time, without any prior notice in case of any unforeseen circumstances outside its reasonable control or in case of Force Majeure that may hinder the scheduled procedure of the award. In that case, the participant will be notified in writing.

    9) Applicants may withdraw their submission if they disagree with the provided terms, nullifying any evaluation of their work without the possibility of objection.

    10) Submission through THE VH AWARD website constitutes acknowledgment and acceptance of these terms.

    By checking this box, I declare that I have read, agreed and accepted to submit.
    I fully agree that VH AWARD shall collect and use my personal information for nothing other than the intended purpose.


    First Name

    Middle Name*Optional

    Last Name

    Applicant Type

    *Please write the name of the collective.

    Country of Origin (Nationality)

    Country of Residence

    Main Email Address

    Secondary Email Address*Optional


    Social Media*Optional


    Interview Portfolio Film*Submit via Vimeo or YouTube, within 3 minutes

    CV & Artist Statement*Up to 3 Pages / Font Size 11 / In PDF Format / Within 50MB

    New Artwork Proposal*Up to 3 Pages / Font Size 11 / In PDF Format / Within 50MB

    New Artwork Proposal Video*Submit via Vimeo or YouTube, within 1 minutes

    Video Link Password (if any)